Wild Invitation by Nalini Singh

Beat of Temptation - 2 stars
I've always loved Nate and Tamsyn's relationship because it seemed so sane and solid. It was a real disappointment to see all the unnecessary drama at the beginning of it, plus how unbalanced it was. Nate was actually kind of a creep - possessive is good, controlling is not.
Stroke of Enticement - 4 stars
I loved Annie! She was so sweet! I'm a sucker for stories about teachers finding true love - I guess because I spent most of my time in class pairing up teachers in my head, shipping them like a fangirl. Wow, that was kind of creepy of me... But there was nothing creepy about Annie and Zach's story, it was super sweet and it made me smile :)
Declaration of Courtship - 3 stars
It was so nice to see a changeling in this series be so patient - all the more surprising since this was a short and he demonstrated more patience than all the men in all the books combined. I'd love to see some more of that!
Texture of Intimacy - 2 stars
I don't know I never really got into these two...
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